By Woman Writer/Substack
There is a beautiful tradition in some Baptist churches in the reverent way they handle their holy communion services. The pastor and elders go through the process of undraping the clothes that lay over the silver trays holding the elements of bread and wine/juice while quoting the scriptures that speak about the Last Supper and the night “in which Jesus was betrayed.”
After this worshipful ceremony, the elders then take the trays to the ladies of the church, standing at the ready, who serve as “deaconesses.” All dressed in white, these women then serve the sacrament to the congregation. The mood is solemn, as the work of Christ on the cross, the breaking of his body and shedding of his blood, is commemorated with a sober awareness of the price Christ paid for the sins of the world, the physical death and blood sacrifice of the perfect Son of God.
Picture now the recent display of women, and some men, wearing white on the fourth and final night of the DNC convention in Chicago last week. As cameras panned the crowd, the event glowed with an eerie hue of blue light cast down on thousands of white dresses and pantsuits.
The LA Times published an article explaining their version of the reason for the evening’s dress code: “Why women are wearing all white at the DNC,” by Faith E. Pinho, who quoted Maxine Watters.
“’Wearing white today reminds everybody that this is women on the move, women who have suffered, who are now taking their rightful place in leadership of Democratic Party politics in a profound way,’ said Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles), who wore a white pantsuit over a colorful blouse. She added that ‘women are on the ballot,’ with abortion access such a prominent issue for Democrats this year.”
The DNC’s in-your-face emphasis on abortion included a mobile Planned Parenthood mobile clinic outside ready to help those who are all too eager to take them up on their free services. An 18’ tall inflatable IUD was installed, standing like an Asherah Pole calling the masses to worship the ancient, but all too active demonic gods of Baal and Molech, as the ladies in white served up an entirely different sacrament for their devoted followers.
The pagan priestesses of ancient days would be proud. In their day, the prostitute “deaconesses” in the temples of the pagan gods preformed worshipful sex acts with their congregants, then offered the resulting offspring on the arms of red-hot burning idols, the broken and bloody sacrifices of countless children murdered to please the demands of the gods in hopes of being granted favor.
It is no different today. Hundreds of thousands of babies are sacrifice each year to the gods of promiscuous sexual desire, the bodies and blood of children given to satisfy the lust for autonomy. Women in white, demanding that the government continue to sanction their religious “right” to worship the gods of their choosing, are adorned for a battle they intend to win.
The return of abortion legislation to the states, with some states sanctioning abortion all together, is not only an affront to the “white cult of death’s” sense of self-righteousness, but to their most deeply held religious beliefs and acts of worship. Take away abortion, and you take away their ability to worship themselves and indulge their appetites.
On the other alter lies the complete antithesis; the selfless act of the One who gave up his body and blood to redeem those who murder their own children. May God forgive us.